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Saturday 29 December 2018

How to remove Instagram shadowban?

How to remove Instagram shadowban?

Here are 7 tricks to remove the Instagram shadowban and be unbanned.

1. Backoff from posting for a couple of days

Go cold turkey. Lay low and hope the ban gets lifted. Some people have stopped using Instagram for over 3 days (or more). Their ban was lifted after that. It almost seems like a “reset button” for your account.

2. Delete all hashtags from your recent posts

Instagram stated that there seems to be a “hashtag glitch”. It could be true, but we are not so sure about it.

Like I said in my previous article, some hashtags are being blocked or banned by Instagram. Some hashtags are simply inappropriate, and others are innocent but have been spammed with inappropriate photos. They have subsequently been blocked by Instagram (temporarily or indefinitely).

Remove hashtags from your recent posts. This trick workedwell for a lot of people and it seems to be the fastest way to remove the Instagram shadowban.

People have also reported that not using the same hashtags over and over again helps. It signals to Instagram you are an active user and not a bot.

3. Put your hashtags in the caption (not in the comments)

This trick seems to have worked for a lot of people too. If you test it, let everyone know in the comments if it made a difference for you.

People reported that when they put their hashtags in the comments, their post was shadowbanned after 1 – 2 hours.

Putting hashtags in the caption can make it bulky. To keep your caption clean, use 5 (or more) full stops, bullet points or any other means to separate your caption from your hashtags. For example:

This is a beautiful day ????????
#beautiful #day #sun #outdoors #earthpix #nature

4. Don’t use too many hashtags

I’ve always said it: each hashtag is an opportunity to get in front of the eyeballs of the right people. I consider hashtags as free advertising. So I am a firm believer in using all 30 hashtags Instagram allows us to use in one post.

However some people have reported that the ban was lifted after following this pattern:

Remove hashtags from old posts,

Put hashtags in caption for a new post, and

Use less than 30 hashtags

5. Contact Instagram

Getting in touch with Instagram is hard. But it doesn’t hurt to try. Some people got unbanned reporting the problem.

Here is how to contact Instagram (4 ways):

Open the Instagram app and shake your phone: This will activate the “Instagram Rage Shake” (a big thank you to Kat Gaskin for the tip). Warning: not all phones have this feature.

“Report a Problem” to Instagram through the app: This is the simplest and most recommended way to contact Instagram. A few people have been very lucky and unbanned after they reported the issue (… after contacting Instagram every day until it was fixed):

Go in the Instagram Settings

Select “Report a Problem”

Select “Something isn’t working”.

And tell them:

“I am not being shown in the hashtags I’ve used for my post”.

Do not say you have been “shadowbanned”.

Some people (not a whole lot) got a response fairly quickly from Instagram.

Other people tell Instagram they have been “hacked“. If you do your research all over the Internet, this trick seems to have been very efficient to remove the Instagram shadowban. However, David does not recommend you use the “hacking” card as your message will be forwarded to a completely different support department that won’t be able to help.

Our advice: Do anything in your power to remove the shadowban.

6. Do not switch to a business profile

Now, this is a big topic in itself. There are many diverging views on this topic among the Instagram community. I will give you our thoughts on it.

When you switch to a business profile you signal to Instagram that you are a business. Businesses are the bread and butter of Instagram (and its parent company, Facebook). Remember when Facebook made pages’ organic search nonexistent in 2007?

Déjà vu?

It is only natural that Instagram will want you to pay to get more engagement (likes, views, clicks). Why would you get all the perks of a business account (Instagram analytics & all) for free? Think about it.
In fact, we have heard that many people have experienced a loss of engagement after switching to a business profile (read the comments section in Alex Tooby’s article). Of course it doesn’t apply to everyone. It is still possible to rock your business page but it might take more time to gain traction.

7. Switch back to a personal profile, but…

Make sure you also unlink your Instagram profile from your Facebook page. The two go hand-in-hand. We cannot assure this trick will help, but it is a logical step to take since Facebook pages = source of advertising revenue of Facebook (and Instagram).

To sum up

These are the 7 best ways to remove Instagram shadowban at the moment:

Backoff from posting for a couple of days

Delete all hashtags from recent posts

Put your hashtags in your caption (not in the comments)

Don’t use all 30 hashtags

Contact Instagram

Do not switch to a business profile

Switch back to a personal profile

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